Alexandru Giurca
| Alexandru Giurca |
Alex is a Research Associate at the Forest and Environmental Policy Group at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany). He holds an MSc in Forestry and Agriculture (MSc European Forestry) from the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu, Finland) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Alnarp, Sweden), and a BSc in forest engineering from the Transylvania University of Brasov (Romania).
His main research interests are in the area of forest policy and economics, spanning from legality verification, international timber trade, sustainable management certification, and international forest management.
Starting from January 2016 he is a doctoral candidate within the Bioeconomy Graduate Program "BBW ForWerts" where he works within the project "Lignocellulose based Bioeconomy: Actors and their Networks" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit.
Prior to his position in Freiburg he studied and worked in Sweden, Brazil, Finland, Germany and Romania.
Kleinschmit D., Arts B.,Giurca A., Mustalathi I.,Pülzl H., Sergent A. (2015) Integrating Environmental Concerns in the Bioeconomy Discourse: a cross-country comparison. Proceedings of the Global Bioeconomy Summit (25-26 Nov. 2015), Berlin, Germany; pp: 69.
Giurca A. and Kleinschmit D. (2015) Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Integrating Environmental Concerns in Germany’s Bioeconomy Discourse. Proceedings of Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy conference (21-23 Oct. 2015), Barcelona, Spain; pp: 26-27.
Gavrilut I., Halalisan A-F., Giurca A. and Sotirov M. (2015) The Interaction between FSC certification and the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation in Romania; Forests,7 (3): 1-13.
Giurca, A. and Jonsson, R. (2015) The opinions of some stakeholders on the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR): an analysis of secondary sources; iForest : e1-e6
Jonsson R., Giurca A.,Masiero M., Pepke E., Pettenella D., Prestemon J. and Winkel G. (2015). Assessment of the EU Timber Regulation and FLEGT Action Plan. From Science to Policy 1. European Forest Institute.
Giurca A., von Stedingk H. (2014) FSC Pesticide Policy in Sweden (Report). Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Uppsala, Sweden.
Giurca, A.; Jonsson, R.; Lovric, M.; Pepke, E. (2014) European Union Timber Regulation Impacts on International Timber Markets; Proceedings of the 57th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) (23-27 June) , Zvolen, Slovakia ; pp: 105-119.
Giurca A., Jonsson R., Rinaldi F., Pryardy R. H. (2013) Ambiguity in Timber Trade from Efforts to Combat Illegal Logging- Potential Impacts on Trade Between South-east Asia and Europe; Forests, 4 (4):730-750.
Pepke E., Giurca A., Jonsson R., Lovric M. (2013) European Union Timber Regulation Impacts Global Hardwood Markets; Proceedings for the 4th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing (ISCHP) (7-9 Oct. 2013), Florence, Italy ;pp: 28-41.
Giurca, A. (2013) Market based and regulatory/enforcement mechanisms- assessment of impacts on timber trade between South-east Asia and Europe; M.Sc. Thesis; Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Alnarp, Sweden
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