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Zizi Moneer

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Zizi Moneer

M.Sc. Sustainability Studies

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: (0761) 203-8493
Telefax: (0761) 203 -3705



Zizi Moneer holds both a BSc in Tourism Studies and a Masters Degree in Sustainability Studies from the Faculty of Tourism at Suez Canal University in Egypt where she graduated with honours. While there, she was awarded most distinguished student four years in a row (2000-2004) and the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education honoured her scientific achievements on Science Day in 2005.


She has numerous years teaching experience, serving as  instructor and then as teaching assistant at Suez Canal University’s Faculty of Tourism from 2005 to 2011. In the winter of 2013 she was also a visiting scholar at the Institute of Social Ecology at Alpen Adaria University in Vienna.


Her research interests focus on environmental and forest policies; social movements and environmental activism; environmental communication and media studies; and human perceptions of climate change.


She is currently completing her dissertation, "Understanding and moving towards resolution: Framing and reframing environmental conflicts, a case study of Egypt´s Wadie el Germal Protected Area. Her research is supervised by Prof. Dr, Karl-Reinhard Volz, ex-chef of the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Freiburg University and Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag, Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources. 


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