Ida Wallin
Ida Wallin
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br. Telefon: (0761) 203 - 8485 |
Doctoral student within forest management & planning
I hold a bachelor and master of science degree in forestry and forest management from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The education in Sweden was complemented with Erasmus exchange studies for one year at George-August University in Göttingen, Germany. The boreal and nemoral forest ecosystems were in focus during the study years in Sweden while international and tropical forestry dominated the studies in Germany. Outside the university I have worked as forest manager and advisor as well as conducting forest inventories for private companies and the Icelandic National Forest Inventory. In Germany I completed an internship at Unique forestry consultants in Freiburg in March 2011, investigating the possibilities for utilizing Nordic small dimension harvesting techniques in the context of German bioenergy extraction from forests.
My research studies are conducted within the EU funded project called INTEGRAL – Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes. The INTEGRAL project duration is 1/11/2011-1/11/2015 and the Department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre is especially responsible for the Southern Swedish case study of Helgeå. The Helgeå case study focuses on issues regarding water quality and non-industrial private forest ownership and since the spring 2014 I am responsible for the case study investigations. My research activities within the INTEGRAL project has mainly concerned the Swedish investigations and especially then the Helgeå case study were all analysis were completed and reported by the end of March 2015. During the project the following research activities have been executed:
- Interviews of stakeholders about present and historical forest management practices and their perception of Swedish forest policy both with regard to their own forest holdings and to the forest sector in general.
- Participatory scenario development workshops with smaller groups of local stakeholders.
- Policy-backcasting workshops with local and national stakeholders.
- Communication and dissemination of research results at conferences and seminars.
- The finalization of the INTEGRAL project in the end of 2015 mean that the present focus is on dissemination of final results to national and local stakeholders, including the people involved in the different research activities such as interviewees.
For more information about the INTEGRAL project visit the project web-site:
During the period May-December 2015 I will be a visiting scholar at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg, Germany. One of my tasks will be to work on a publication within the COST Action FP1207 - ORCHESTRA. More information about the institute in Freiburg can be found at; and the COST-Action ORCHESTRA;
Other engagements:
- SLU representative, Helgeå Model Forest steering group, October 2012-present. More info:
- PhD-student representative, department steering group, autumn 2014.
- Organising committee, Department Days 13-14 February 2013.
- Foresight studies & Scenario planning at the Euroforester master programme, SLU Alnarp 2014, 2015,
- Swedish Forest Act and forest history at the agricultural programme, SLU Alnarp 2013, 2014
- Guillén, L-A., Wallin, I., and Brukas, V. (2015). Social capital in small-scale forestry: A local case study in Southern Sweden. Oral presentation at Development Day 2015 - Rethinking Responsibility in Development: Contested Relations between Citizens, States and Corporations, 12th-13th of February, University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Carlsson, J. & Wallin, I. (2014). Policy backcasting as a tool for deliberative democracy in forested landscapes – two dissimilar case study areas and the implications for forest policy in Sweden. Oral presentation at 2nd Nordic Conference on Forest Policy Science, 12th November, Malmö, Sweden.
- Wallin, I., Carlsson, J., Trubins, R., Brukas, V., & Sallnäs, O. (2014). Scenario generation for future development of forested landscapes – linking practice and policy through foresight and modelling. Oral presentation at IUFRO World Congress, Session: Forests and Forest Products for a Greener Future - No 181,10th of October, Salt Lake City, USA.
- Wallin, I. (2013). Det sociala landskapet – från norr till söder. Två fallstudier inom det europeiska samarbets-projektet INTEGRAL. Oral presentation for The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) forest management committee, 3rd of October, Alvesta, Sweden.
- Wallin, I. (2013). Future Forest management of Helgeå Landscape – a Case Study in Southern Sweden. Poster presentation at Joensuu Forestry Networking Week, 27th -31st of May, Joensuu, Finland.
- Wallin, I. (2013). INTEGRAL - Resultat från Helge Å fallstudieområde. Oral presentation at Kristianstad Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve & Helgeå Model Forest Water days, 20th of May, Kristianstad, Sweden
Scientific Publications:
- Biber, P., Borges, J.G., Moshammer, R., Barreiro, S., Botequim, B., Brodrechtová, Y., Brukas, V., Chirici, G., Cordero-Debets, R., Corrigan, E., Eriksson, L-O., Favero, M., Galev , E., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Hengeveld, G. Kavaliauskas, M., Marchetti, M., Marques, S., Mozgeris, G., Navrátil, R., Nieuwenhuis, M., Orazio, C., Paligorov, I., Pettenella, D., Sedmák, R., Smreček, R., Stanislovaitis, A., Tomé, M., Trubins, R., Tuček, J., Vizzarri, M., Wallin, I., Pretzsch, H. and Sallnäs, O. (2015). How Sensitive Are Ecosystem Services in European Forest Landscapes to Silvicultural Treatment?. Forests. Vol 6. pp. 1666-1695. doi:10.3390/f6051666.
- Guillén, L-A., Wallin, I., & Brukas, V. (2015).Social capital in small-scale forestry: a local case study in Southern Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics. Vol. 53. pp. 21–28.
- Lindbladh M, Hedwall, P-O, Wallin I, Felton A, Böhlenius, H & Felton, A (2014) Short-rotation bioenergy stands as an alternative to spruce monocultures: Implications for bird biodiversity. Silva Fennica. Vol. 48. No.5. Id. 1135.
- Wallin, I. (2012). Bioenergy from the forest – a source of conflict between forestry and nature conservation? – an analysis of key actor’s positions in Sweden. Master thesis in Forest management. SLU. Examiner: Daniela Kleinschmit. Supervisors: Viveca Sjöstedt, Sara Holmgren, Vilis Brukas
- Wallin, I. (2012). Different Harvesting Regimes Effects on Early Regeneration in a Beech Forest. BSc thesis in Forest management. SLU. Examiner: Eric Agestam. Supervisor: Lars Drössler
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