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Sabine Reinecke

         Sabine Reinecke_neu

Dr. Sabine Reinecke

M.A. Political Sciences and Sociology
M.Sc. Environmental Governance
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br.
Telefon: (0761) 203 - 3717
Telefax: (0761) 203 -3705


Sabine Reinecke is a political scientist and sociologist by training (University of Leipzig) and research associate at the chair. In 2015 she has finalized her PhD studies which investigated how different new modes of governance in the area of climate change work jointly together with other (e.g. government based) political settings from international to local levels. She holds a second Master's degree in Environmental Governance and working experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America on land use change and sustainable resource use related to issues of water scarcity and desertification in (semi)arid regions. Her research interests include global environmental and climate governance (in forests), sustainable development, environmental ethics, environmental sociology, and the sociology of scientific knowledge. She has been involved in various (inter)national, transdisciplinary projects on climate and biodiversity governance. Here, she was concerned with questions of how governance arrangements can be improved or better integrated for sustainable development pathways and resilient societies, e.g. concerning the links between climate and biodiversity issues in forests (various projects for BMUB/BfN on REDD+) or between climate and biodiversity science and local knowledge and practices (e.g. BiodivERsA-INVALUABLE, ReSciPI in the ACRP-Program Austria). Between 2008 and 2010 she coordinated and assisted in teaching the international Master Programme Environmental Governance at the Freiburg University.

Current Projects:
  • Einbindung von REDD+ in das neue Klimaabkommen der UNFCCC und Annäherungspotentiale zur CBD
  • Integrating Valuations, Markets and Policies for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (INVALUABLE)
Complementary to her studies she has gained working experience in the field of sustainable land use (GTZ Namibia, Comuna Pichaska, Chile), cultural work (Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V., Südwind e.V, Zeit für Kinder e.V.), teaching (Environmental/Climate Governance, Environmental Sociology etc.) as well as in graphic facilitation.

Major recent publications

  • Reinecke, Sabine (2015), Governing the climate across the science-state-society divide: Experiences from the REDD+ Partnership and climate services. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Dr. phil. of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, submitted in July 2015, successfully defended in Nov 2015.

  • Reinecke, S. (2015). Knowledge brokerage designs and practices in four European climate services: a role model for biodiversity policies? Environmental Science & Policy, 54, 2015; 513–521.

  • Reinecke, S., Pistorius, T., Pregernig, M.: UNFCCC and the REDD+ Partnership from a networked governance perspective Environmental Science and Policy. Special Issue: Forests Climate Policy (0), 2014; 35: 30-39
  • Pistorius, T., Reinecke, S.: The interim REDD+ Partnership: Boost for biodiversity safeguards? Forest Policy and Economics (0), 2013; 36: 80-86.
  • Reinecke, S., Hermann, A.T., Bauer, A, Pregernig, M., Hogl, K., Pistorius, T. (Hrsg.): Innovative climate policy advice: Case studies from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, Vienna: Institute for Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at BOKU Vienna, 2013 (INFER Research Report. 01/2013;).
  • Reinecke, S., Hermann, A.T., Bauer, A, Pregernig, M., Hogl, K., Pistorius, T. (Hrsg.): Scientific climate policy advice: An overview of national forms of institutionalization. Vienna: Institute for Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at BOKU Vienna, 2013 (INFER Research Report. 02/2013;).
  • Pistorius, T., Schmitt, C., Benick, D., Entenmann, S., Reinecke, S. (2011). Greening REDD+ – challenges and opportunities for integrating biodiversity safeguards at and across policy levels. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 182 (5/6), pp. 82-98


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