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Sabine Reinecke wins the INOGOV best paper award 2016

Sabine Reinecke_neuDr Sabine Reinecke ,from the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, wins the prestigious INOGOV best paper award 2016 for her paper published in the journal of "Environmental Science and Policy". INOGOV is an international network on innovations in climate governance that is funded by the European Commission. The network presents an annual award to young scientists who have published outstanding research results in the field of climate policy

In her paper, Sabine analyses four climate services in three European countries ( UK, Germany and Switzerland) regarding how they institutionalize and enact knowledge brokerage in a credible, salient and legitimate way. Results indicate that policy-oriented approaches appear to be in their infancy and  face challenges such as being "less scientific". However, implementing reflexive and flexible learning is possible. 

Find out more by reading Sabine's paper HERE