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 Current listing of publications of the Chair for Forest and Environmental Policy:


Scientific Publications 2016 


In international peer-reviewed scientific journals:

  • Hogl K, Kleinschmit D, Rayner J: Achieving policy integration across fragmented policy domains: Forests, agriculture, climate and energy Environment and Planning C 2016, 2016; 34: 399-414. : http://doi:10.1177/0263774X16644815
  • Kleinschmit D, Böcher M., Giessen L.: Forest Policy analysis: Advancing the analytical approach Forest Policy and Economics, 2016; 68: 1-6. :
  • Park MS, Kleinschmit D: Framing forest conservation in the globa media: An interest-based approach Forest Policy Econ, 2016; 68: 7-15. :
  • Sina Leipold, Georg Winkel: Divide and conquer—Discursive agency in the politics of illegal logging in the United States Global Environ Chang, 2016; 36: 35-45. : http://doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.11.006
  • Sjostedt V, Kleinschmit D: Frames in environmental policy integration: Are Swedish sectors on track? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2016, 2016; 34: 515-528. : http://doi:10.1177/0263774X15602895 


Other publications:

  • Jay, M., Selter, A., Wurster, M,, Schraml, U.: Urbaner Wald, urbane Lebensqualität. Die vielfältigen Ökosystemleistungen urbaner Wälder sichtbar machen – Ein Handlungsleitfaden. Arbeitsbericht 01/2016, Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, ISSN 1865-3863. 2016.


Scientific Publications 2015


In international peer-reviewed scientific journals:

  • Baycheva-Merger, T., Wolfslehner, B.: Evaluating the implementation of the pan-European C&I for SFM – A SWOT Analysis Ecol Indic, 2015; 60: 1192-1199.
  • Borrass L, Sotirov M, Winkel G: Policy Change and Europeanization. Analysing the implementation of the European Union’s Habitats Directive in Germany and the United Kingdom. Environ Polit, 2015. (download: (in Druck)
  • Gavrilut I, Halalisan A-F, Giurca A, Sotirov M: The Interaction between FSC Certification and the Implementation of the EU Timber Regulation in Romania Forests, 2015; 7 (3) (online): 1-13. :
  • Georg Winkel, Sina Leipold: Demolishing Dikes: Multiple Streams and Policy Discourse Analysis Policy Stud J, 2015; 44 (1): 108-129. : http://DOI: 10.1111/psj.12136
  • Giurca A &, Jonsson R: The opinions of some stakeholders on the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR): an analysis of secondary sources Iforest, 2015; 8 (online): 681-686. : (download:
  • Kieren Moffat, Justine Lacey, Airong Zhang, Sina Leipold: The social licence to operate: a critical review Forestry, 2015; 11: 1-12.
  • Kruse S, Förster R, Fry P, Kläy A, Kueffer C, Moschitz H, Wolf P, Zingerli C: Wissensaustausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis erfolgreich gestalten Gaia, 2015; 24 (4): 278-280. : (download:
  • Peters DM, Wirth K, Böhr B, Ferranti F, Górriz-Mifsud E, Kärkkäinen L, Krč J, Kurttila M, Leban V, Lindstad BH, Pezdevšek Malovrh Š, Pistorius T, Rhodius R, Solberg B, Zadnik Stirn L: Energy wood from forests — stakeholder perceptions in five European countries Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2015; 5 (17): 1-12. : http://10.1186/s13705-015-0045-9
  • Reinecke, Sabine: Knowledge brokerage designs and practices in four european climate services: A role model for biodiversity policies? Environ Sci Policy, 2015; xx. : (in Druck)
  • Rodela, R., Reinecke, S., Bregt, A., Kilham, E., Lapeyre, R.: Challenges to and opportunities for biodiversity science–policy interfaces. Editorial. Environ Sci Policy, 2015. : (in Druck)
  • Sjöstedt, V., Kleinschmit D: Frames in environmental policy integration: Are Swedish sectors on track? Environ Plann C, 2015. : http://10.1177/0263774X15602895 (in Druck)
  • Sotirov M: Zukunftsforschung zur Waldbewirtschaftung in Europa AFZ Der Wald, 2015; 02/2015: 15-18.
  • Sotirov M, Lovric M, Winkel G: Symbolic Transformation of Environmental Governance: Implementation of EU Biodiversity Policy in Bulgaria and Croatia between Europeanization and Domestic Politics. Environ Plann C, 2015. (in Druck)
  • Storch S, , Selter A, , Sotirov M, , Cappelmann L: Regionale Zukunftsforschung für eine integrierte Waldwirtschaft AFZ-DerWald, 2015 (2): 19-22.
  • Storch S, Selter A, Sotirov M, Cappelmann L: Regionale Zukunftsforschung für eine intergrierte Waldwirtschaft AFZ Der Wald, 2015; 02/2015: 19-22.
  • Winkel G., Blondet M., Borrass L., Frei T., Geitzenauer M., Gruppe A., Jump A., De Koning J., Sotirov M., Weiss G., Winter S., Turnhout E.: The implementation of Natura 2000 in forests: a trans- and interdisciplinary assessment of challenges and choices (accepted). Environ Sci Policy, 2015. (in Druck) 


Book contributions:

  • Baycheva-Merger T: Public awareness and participation. In: State of Europe´s Forests Report. Madrid: FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit, 2015.
  • Baycheva-Merger T: Research, training and education. In: State of Europe´s Forests Report. Madrid: FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit, 2015.
  • Bosela, M., Larocque G., Baycheva-Merger, T., Valbuena R., Lier M.: Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management. In: Guy R. Larocque: Ecological Forest Management Handbook. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2015.
  • Kleinschmit, Daniela, Sijapati Basnett, Bimbika, Martin, Adrian, Rai, Nitin D., Smith-Hall, C., Dawson, Neil M., Hickey, G., Neufeldt, H., Ojha, Hemant R., Walelign, Solomon Zena: Drivers of Forests and Tree-based Systems for Food Security and Nutrition In: Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report Vienna: IUFRO, 2015; 87-110 (IUFRO World Series 33).
  • Kleinschmit D: Internationale Waldpolitik - Prinzip Freiwilligkeit In: Jahrbuch Ökologie: Gesucht Umweltpolitik - Herausforderungen im Anthropozän Stuttgart: Hirzel, 2015; 82-87.
  • Neufeldt, Heny, Pacheco, Pablo, Ojha, Hemant R., Ogalleh, Sara Ayeri, Donovan, Jason, Fuchs, Lisa, Kleinschmit, Daniela, Kristjanson, Patti, Kowero, Godwin, Oeba, Vincent O., Powell, Bronwen: Public Sector, Private Sector and Socio-Cultural Response Options In: Forest, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition - A Global Assessment Report Vienna: IUFRO, 2015; 129-151 (IUFRO World Series 33).
  • Vira, Bhaskar, Jamnadass, Ramni, Kleinschmit, Daniela, McMullin, Stepha, Mansourian, Stephanie, Neufeldt, Henry, Parotta, John A., Sunderlands, Terry, Wildburger, Christoph: Conclusion In: Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition - A Global Assessment Report Vienna: IUFRO, 2015; 153-156 (IUFRO World Series 33).



  • Edwards, Peter, Kleinschmit, Daniela (Hrsg.): Forest PolicyTaylor and Francis, 2015 (Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research).


 Short communications:

  • Edwards, Peter, Kleinschmit, Daniela: National Forest Policy between change and resistance Scand J Forest Res, 2015; 30 (3): 201-203.
  • Storch Sabine, Sotirov Metodi, Riemer Annamaria: Abschlusskonferenz des EU-Projekts INTEGRAL in Brüssel AFZ-DerWald, 2015 (21): 14-15.



  • Born, C.-H., Reinecke, S., Bregt, A.: Engaging with policy makers on market-based instruments. Decision support tool, knowledge and the law. 2015 (Governing biodiversity and ecosystem services through market-based instruments? Theory and practice for decision-makers. Public conference of the BioDiversa project INVALUABLE).
  • Georg Winkel, Sina Leipold: Multiple Streams and Discursive Agency 2015 (Workshop: The Future of the Multiple Streams Framework: Moving Policy Theory Forward. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. 10-16-2014, Singapore.).
  • Kruse S: What is resilience and how to measure it? 2015 (Sustainability Summig, Freiburg, Sustainability Center Freiburg). :
  • Leipold S, Sotirov M, Frei T, Winkel G: Protecting Forests and Markets? The Politics of Illegal Logging in Europe, the U.S. and Australia. 2015 (Freie Universitaet Berlin).
  • Lena Partzsch, Sina Leipold: Import Bans on ‘Conflict’ Minerals and Timber: Comparing US and EU Efforts to Prevent International Trade in Illegally Exploited Resources 2015 (European Consortium for Political Science General Conference, 26-29 August, 2015, Montreal, Canada).
  • Selter Andy, Storch Sabine, Moshammer Ralf, Biber Peter: Case study area Upper Palatinate, Germany - Forest landscape in a rural region of Bavaria 2015 (INTEGRAL Abschlusskonferenz, Brüssel).
  • Sina Leipold, Georg Winkel: Political Agency from a Discourse Perspective: The Discursive Agency Approach 2015 (2nd International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) July 1-3, 2015, Milan, Italy.).
  • Sina Leipold, Metodi Sotirov, Theresa Frei, Georg Winkel: Protecting Forests and Markets? The Politics of Illegal Logging in Europe, the U.S. and Australia 2015 (Jour Fixe Politische Oekologie in Berlin. Freie Universitaet Berlin. January 2015, Berlin.).
  • Storch Sabine, Selter Andy, Moshammer Ralf, Biber Peter: Case study area: Munich South, Germany. A city-near forest landscape 2015 (INTEGRAL Abschlusskonferenz, Brüssel).


Conference proceedings:

  • Giurca A, Kleinschmit D: Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Integrating Environmental Concerns in Germany’s Bioeconomy Discourse 2015: 26-27 (Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy/ Barcelona, Spain/ EFI), European Forest Institute (EFI) / CASTLE (Hrsg). (download:
  • Giurca A, Kleinschmit D, Arts B, Mustalathi I, Pülzl H, Sergent A: Integrating Environmental Concerns in the Bioeconomy Discourse: a cross-country comparison 2015: 69 (Global Bioeconomy Summit/Berlin, Germany/Bioökonomierat), Bioökonomierat (Hrsg). (download:
  • Sotirov M, Hoogstra-Klein M, Trubins R, Storch S, Riemer A: Shaping the futures of integrated forest management in Europe through policy backcasting 2015 (3). (download:
  • Sotirov M, McDermott C, Dieguez L, Selter A, Storch S: Integrating footprint thinking into EU forest‐related policy. Highlights from research on the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan as a strategy to address the external impacts of EU consumption 2015 (4). (download:
  • Sotirov M, Storch S, Aggestam F, Giurca A, Selter A, Baycheva T, Eriksson O S, Schüll E, Trubins R, Borges J, McDermott C, Hoogstra M, Hengeveld G, Pettenella D: Forest Policy Integration in Europe: Lessons Learnt, Challenges Ahead, and Strategies to Support Sustainable Forest Management and Multifunctional Forestry in the Future 2015. (download:
  • Storch S, Sotirov M, Cappelmann L, Selter A, Sallnäs O, Eriksson L O, Riemer A, Schüll, E: INTEGRAL Overall Project Synthesis 2015. (download:


Other publications:

  • Ehrhart S, Selter A: Akteurs- und handlungsorientierte Weiterentwicklung im Cluster Forst und Holz Baden-Württemberg und Einrichtung eines „ClusterPlus.Forums“. Entwicklung eines Evaluationsdesigns. Arbeitsbericht 02/2015 der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik, 2015.
  • Jonsson R, Giurca A, Masiero, M, Pepke, E, Pettenella D, Prestemon, J, Winkel G: Assessment of the EU Timber Regulation and FLEGT Action Plan. From Science to Policy 1 (European Forest Institute) 2015.
  • Kilham E, Reinecke S: “Biggest bang for your buck”: Conservation triage and priority-setting for species management in Australia and New Zealand. INVALUABLE Policy Brief, 0115 INVALUABLE, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg., 2015.
  • Kilham E, Rodela R, Reinecke S: Challenges to and opportunities for biodiversity science-policy interfaces: An exploration of knowledge integration in the context of economic approaches. Report from the expert workshop held in Freiburg, Germany, 3rd and 4th March 2014 INVALUABLE, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg., 2015.















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